Feb 24, 2022 4:00 AM
PERKINS TWP. — People can bid on great prizes while supporting a worthy cause.
The 31st annual Easterseals auction, which is sponsored by the Register and the WLEC radio station, is happening from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. this Saturday, Feb. 26, at the Sandusky Mall, 4314 Milan Road (U.S. 250).
Easterseals development specialist Patti Powers spoke with Register executive editor Matt Westerhold Tuesday on “Between the Lines.” The interview, about 15 minutes, is available on sanduskyregister.com and the Register’s YouTube channel, youtube.com/c/SanduskyRegisterNews.
Easterseals, an Ohio organization that’s more than 100 years old, helps adults and children with disabilities and also provides services, like home care, to area seniors.
Seven items will be on the auction block every 15 minutes, Powers said. Items up for auction include sports memorabilia, gift cards, gift baskets, Kalahari water park passes, overnight trips and more. A full list of items up for auction can be found on page B6 of today’s Register and will also be included in Friday’s newspaper.
In addition to the in-person auctions on Saturday, people can also go to easterseals2022.givesmart.com and bid on items. Easterseals debuted the online bidding last year, which Powers said was a big success. Online bidding begins this morning.
Saturday’s auction will be broadcast live on WLEC 1450 AM.